Action Comics -- Superman's Toughest Day - Clark Kent as a Robot
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Cover Price 10ยข
The last 10 cents issue. Also The Supergirl of Tomorrow. Clark Kent robot with Lois Lane on the Cover
Dialog of Lois Lane and Superman: Lois, "Come on, Clark. We'll never get our feature story for the Daily Planet if don't finish our tour of this factory."
Superman: "Great Krypton! The acid is that solvent dissolved the plastic skin of my robot's metal hands. As soon as Lois Lane sees them, she'll guess the Clark Kent and Superman are one and the same! "
Action Comics, Superman, Supergirl, Daily Planet, DC Comics, Man of Steel, 1960s,
toughest day, 1961, DC, Silver Age, Clark Kent, Lois Lane
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis