Action Comics featuring the Man Who Discovered Superman's Identity
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Cover Price 12¢
An old friend who betrays Clark Kent. Included story: The Forbidden Weapons of Krypton .
Cover by Curt Swan and by George Klein
Issue include a great Supergirl Story.
Superman: Okay, Perry! You’ve finally proved I’m SUPERMAN! But if you let the news out, you’ll hamper my fight against crime! As an old friend, I beg you to keep my secret!
Perry White: Not a chance SUPERMAN! I’m NOT your friend! This is a SUPER-SCOOP, and and I’m going to print it! By Tomorrow the world will know that CLARK KENT is SUPERMAN!
Action Comics, Superman, discovered, 1963, Krypton, Supergirl, identity, Super-Hero, DC Comics,
forbidden, 1960s,
DC, Clark Kent, Perry White, Silver Age
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis