Action Comics featuring
Superman in the Interplanetary Olympics.
He is unable to lift a thousand pounds!
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Cover Price 12ยข
Supergirl Duals a New Super-Villain.
Cover artwork by Curt Swan and Sheldon Moldoff
On The Cover - Olympic weight lifting event showing Superman of Earth, Borko of Gorn and Boscar of Krag
Superman can't lift a weight. A member of the audience: "So that's the great Superman the Earth boasts about! Bah! He's just a super-weakling, compared to these other super-athletes!"
Olympic, Weight, lifting, Supergirl, Action Comics, Superman, Super-Hero,
Weakling, mocks, crowd, DC Comics, 1960s, Olympic, 1963, DC comics
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis