Action Comics. Featuring King Superman versus Clark Kent, Metallo!
Extra! Supergirl and Super-Horse! action_comics_312_may_1964.jpg
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On The Cover: Clark Kent opens his shirt and exposes Superman, setting on a throne, to a ray of Green Kryptonite
Superman sets on a throne with the S engraved in the backboard.
Clark Kent says: "Yes, King Superman! I'm still alive, even though I
now have a mechanical body! /And this Kryptonite that powers my motor
will end your tyrant rule."
Superman Says: "Kent tricked me! He
changed himself into a Metallo Robot just so he could destroy men!"
Action Comics, Superman, Metallo, Super-Hero, DC Comics, Man of Steel, 1960s,
Kryptonite, Clark Kent, cover, 1970s, robot, king, Silver Age
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis