Action Comics -- How did it happen? Clark Kent in the Big House!
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Clark Kent on a hunger strike. Also Includes: The Krytonian Killer
Cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein.
Superman, as Clark Kent, is in a prison cell while taking his secret identity clothes off. The Prison warden is at the door on the other side of a thick concrete wall
Warden, knocking on the cell door, speaking to a guard with a food tray: "This new prisioner, Clark Kent, is the toughest I've ever seen! Since we put him in solitary, A week ago, he's been on a Hunger Strike! We must force him to eat, or he'll starve!"
Superman, looking through the door with his x-ray vision, thinking: "Great Krypton! The Warden's about to open the door of my cell! He'll see my costume ... and this escape tunnel I dug! He'll find out I'm secretely Superman!"
Action Comics, Superman, Super-Hero, DC Comics, Man of Steel, 1960s,
Clark Kent, hunger, strike, 1965, DC, Silver Age
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis