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Action Comics -- All Red Kryptonite Issue featuring Half of a Superman. A Supergirl feature too!


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Action Comics 290 July 1962

Cover Price  12ยข

Supergirl's Super Boy-Friends get menaced by Red Kryptonite

Lois Lane on the cover by Curt Swan and Kurt Schaffenberger with contribution by George Klein too

Lois Lane: "Superman, keep holding that falling bridge with your right hand, but use your left to get ride of that dangerous live wire!"

Superman, in a costume that is half pink and half his normal uniform, thinking: "What can I do? Red Kryptonite has affected my body so that one half my right side is still super, but my entire left side is now vulnerable! If I touch that wire, its 20,000 volts will kill me!"

Action Comics, Superman, Supergirl, boyfriend, red kryptonite, DC Comics, Lois Lane, live, wire, 1960s, volts, kill, 1962, DC, Silver Age

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis