Adventure Comics -Featuring The Renegade Super-Legionnaire!
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Cover Price 12ยข
Special! Four Pages of Pictures with the Origins and Powers of ALL the Legionnaires!
Artwork on the cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.
The Legionnaire Judges: "Ultra Boy, Our Decision is that You be Expelled from the Legion, in disgrace, for your black deeds." Superboy and Lightning Lad are ordered to burn away Ultra Boys insignia
Ultra boy, as he is zapped by Superboy's heat vision and Lightning Lad's bolts: "Fools! You forgot I still have mighty super-powers. I swear I'll use them to get even with all of you!"
Adventure Comics, Superboy, hero, Ultra Boy,
Lightning Lad, Legionnaire, 1964
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis Depaulo