Superboy and Super-pets in Adventure Comics -The initiation of Proty II -
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The Legion of Super-Pets including Comet the Super-Horse, Streaky the Super-Cat, Krypto the Super Dog, and Beppo the Super-Monkey
Cover Artwork: Curt Swan and George Klein
Comet the Super-horse, thinking: "Proty II ... forthe first test to get into our Legion,you must impersonate Superboy and perform super-deeds!"
Superboy: "I can change myself to Superboy without super-powers but without super-powers how can I duplicate his feats?!?"
Adventure Comics, Super-pets, Super-Horse, Krypto, Superboy, 1960s,
super-dog, super-monkey, super-cat, Beppo, Comet, Streaky, 1964, Silver
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis