Adventure Comics - Lana Lange Superman's Sister? Can it be?
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Cover Price 12ยข
Extra! Tales of the Bizarro World! The Bizarro Who Goofed Up History.
Cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.
Ma Kent to Pa Kent: "Jonathan, this sure is a super-picnic! Hamburgers grilled by the heat vision of our super-daughter, Lana Lang, and Lemonade made ice-cold by our son's super-breath!"
Superboy thinks: "I'm real glad I gave Lana super-powers like mine and that the folks adopted her into our family! Now that she knows my secret identity, she'll stoop being a pest"
Adventure Comics, Sister, Lana Lang, picnic, Superboy,
bizarro, Ma Kent, Pa Kent, world, 1962,
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis