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Brave and Bold Presents Metal Men and Atom watch out for the Rogue Robot Metal Man


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Brave And Bold Presents Metal Men And Atom 55 September 1964

Cover Price 12ยข

Doc Magnus is Doomed.

Cover by Ramona Fradon, and by Charles Paris

Tina, who is Tin, thinks she is human, and tries to save the Metal Men's Doc Magnus!

The Metal Men on the cover: Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Nameless, Platinum and Tin

The Atom: "Wreck that rogue robot, METAL MEN, or Doc Magnus is Doomed!"

Metal Men, Atom, Brave and Bold, present, masked, hero, Doc Magnus, 1960s, 1964, DC Comics,  Artificial Intelligence, A.I, Robots

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis