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Jimmy Olsen comics featuring The Dynamic Duo of Kandor

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Jimmy Olsen 69 June 1963

Cover Price  12ยข

Jimmy Olsen in Flamebird and Superman is Nightwing  in a battle of Super-Outlaw with their wits and utility Belts!

Cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein!

Superman: "Ha! So Flamebird is Jimmy Olsen and Nightwing is Superman! Now that I know your secret, I'll become King of Kandor!"

 Jimmy Olsen (as Flamebird): "Nightbird, how can we fight this evil imposter when he has Super-powers - - and you have none"

Jimmy Olsen, FlameBird, 1963, Nightwing, Superman, battle, Cwits, utility belt, 1960s, DC Comics, super-outlaw

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis