Jimmy Olsen comics
The Red-Headed Beatle of 1,000 B.C.
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Cover Price 12ยข
Jimmy in a short toga plays a horn and gets young girls in togas to scream Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Cover by Curt Swan and George Klein
Superman , watching Jimmy Olsen and thinking and as he flies over what looks like ancient Egypt: Jimmy is playing a drum and a seashell horn! "Great Krypton! Jimmy has started a Beatle craze here in the ancient past. He's become as popular as Ringo Star!"
More stories: Jimmy's Forgotten Girl Friend! and The
Menace of Insect Island!
Jimmy Olsen, 1964, toga, Red-headed, comics, Yeah! Supermans pal, classic,
1960s, 1964, DC Comics
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis