The Unbeatable Jimmy Olsen in Jimmy Olsen comics. Jimmy bets with Perry White that he can best Superman.
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He's Putty in my hands, proclaims Jimmy as he sits on Superman in a fighter's boxing ring
Cover artwork by Curt Swan and George Klein.
Jimmy sits on Superman in a boxing ring and twists his foot. Perry White and Lois Lane look on.
Jimmy Olsen, in the boxing ring with Superman: "Pay up, Perry! You were a fool to bet me that I couldn't lick the great Superman without using Kryptonite on him. He's putty in my hands!"
Superman, writhing in agony: "Jimmy, I can't bear the pain... Gasp ... Let me go .. PLEASE!"
Jimmy Olsen, Superman, unbeatable, putty, boxing ring, pain, Perry White, Lois
Lane, pal, 1960s, Silver Age
1965, DC comics
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis