Jimmy Olsen Comics featuring The Boy Witch Doctor
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Jimmy Olsen with voodoo power dressed as a tribal medicine man on the cover of the the comic. Superman voodoo doll.
Cover by Curt Swan and by George Klein.
Perry White and Lois Lane, in safari clothes, stand by.
Jimmy Olsen, on the cover: "Perry ... Lois ... I'll prove to you that my voodoo power is Bunk! I'll jab this superman doll, and you'll see that nothing happens to him!"
Superman: "Stop, Jimmy! Your Black Magic is more deadly than Kryptonite! OW .. You're killing me!"
Jimmy Olsen, Black, magic, Superman, kryptonite, Cub, reporter,
safari, pal,
killing, Perry White, Lois Lane, 1960s, 1962, DC
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis