Lois Lane - Superman's Surprise Choices
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Cover Price 12ยข
Also including: The False Superman! and The Murder of Lana Lang!
Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger
Lois Lane, thanking Superman: "Thanks for letting me test this Heart-Meter on you, Superman! My newspaper readers will be interested to learn how super-strong your heat is!" Then Lois thinks: "Ha! It will test his heart, all right! This really is a love detector ... and it will reveal whether he loves me or Lana me!
Lana Lang, peaking out of a curtained room, thinking: "This is the most agonizing moment of my life! If the dial points to her name, I've got to give up Superman! But if I win, she has to get out of his life!"
Lois Lane, Girlfriend, Superman, reporter, adventurer, supporter,
girl, woman, troublemaker, Surprise, 1960s, mischief, 1963, DC
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis