Metal Men - Try Stopping the Explosive Missile Men in Shake the Stars -
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Cover Price 12¢
The Metal Men are artificially intelligent robots conceived in the 1960s. AI way ahead of their time
Cover Artwork by André and Esposito
Metal Man, Lead: "The Missile Men are breaking through!"
Dr. William "Will" Magnus, the creator of the Metal Men Says: "Tina! -- Tina!"
Platinum: "Leave Us, Doc! We're only Robots"
The Unpredictable Metal Men find that the only chance they have to stopping the Explosive Missle Men is to Shake the Stars
Metal Men, Comic, Artificial Intelligence, Missile, Magnus,
robots, Lead, Platinum, Iron, 1960s, Tina, 1965, DC,
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis