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 The Empty Cockpit in All American Men of War, Starring Johnny Cloud!


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All American Men of War 99 October 1963

Cover Price 12ยข

Tales of War Adventures and the military. Aso includes the story: Attack From Yesterday

Cover by Irv Novick

The Navajo Ace, Johnny Cloud in a Startling Sky Battle! Cloud pursues a Nazi V-2 rocket! The the world's first long-range ballistic missile

Another fighter pilot to Johnny Cloud: "Tex to Cloud! Stop chasing that terror rocket! -- There's a Buzzard on your tail! Scram!"

Johnny Cloud, faining communication problems, to Tex: "Can't read, you Tex!"

Men of War, missle, rocket, V-2, Nazi, All American, empty, cockpit, Men, War, Military, Johnny Cloud, Cocpit, fighting, air, heroes, 1960s, 1963, DC

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis