Superboy as the Simpleton of Steel - Superboy doesn't think well
Front Cover of superboy_105_jun_1963.jpg
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Cover Price 12ยข
A Great New Super-Baby Story
Cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein
A cop asks Superboy to help with a fire. Superboy calls via the alarm box and does not go to extinguish the blaze - see previous page for scan of the issue 105 partially missing back cover
The cop: "Superboy! When I told you to DO Something about the fire, why didn't you fly there instead of turning in an Alarm?"
Superboy: "Gosh, you're right, chief! I -- er -- just d-didn't think I guess!"
Lana Lang: "What's come over you, Superboy? You're pulling one Boo-Boo after another!"
Superboy, Silver Age, Action, hero, Super-Hero, Comics, classic, 19663, 1970s, DC
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis