Lex Luthor fights Superman on another world -- A Special ALL-Luthor Issue - featuring Lex Luthor Super-Hero!
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Lex Luthor gets a super-villain's costume, super-powers and a secret identity. He's called the Defender
Cover by Curt Swan and by George Klein.
A crowd proclaims: "Hooray for the Defender! He'll catch that Superman from Earth who stole our treasure!"
Lex Luthor: "I see you Superman! Surrender! You can't escape --- the Defender!
Superman, hiding behind a statue dedicated to Lex Luther: "What Irony! On this world I have no super-powers ... and I'm hunted as a public enemy! But Luthor, my great foe, has super-powers, a secret identity and is a public hero!
The Statue proclaims: In honor of Lex Luthor for his many scientific feats! Erected by the People of Lexor
Also featuring: Lex Luthor, Daily Planet Editor
Superman, Lex Luthor, 1960s, statue, Defender, super-powers, hunted 1964, DC
comics, public, enemy
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis