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Superman Comics -- The Triumph of Luthor and Brainiac


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Superman Comics 173 November 1964

Cover Price 12ยข

Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by George Klein

The cover has the iconic Superman image we've come to know. Clark Kent removing his common man clothes, ripping his shirt off to show the S for Superman part of his on his volumous chest

Brainiac: "Superman can't save you from us, Olsen! He doesn't even know you're on this world!"

Lex Luthor to Jimmy Olsen: "Our Space Monitor shows he's on Earth, switching identities! Your recognize his alter-ego, don't you, Lad?"

Jimmy Olsen, thinking: "Gasp! Superman is really Clark Kent ... and his greatest foes, Luthor and Brainiac know his secret!"

Superman, Lex Luthor, secret, Jimmy Olse, alter-ego, 1960's, Brainiac, 1964, DC comics, Curt Swan, George Klein

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis