Superman Comics
The Super-Revenge of the Phantom Zone Prisoner!
Superman frees the criminal
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Cover Price 12ยข
Perry White and the Daily Planet Globe on the top of the publisher's building
Cover artwork by Curt Swan and George Klein
Superman: "Here's the scoop I promised you, Perry! Years ago, on Krypton, my father sentenced this criminal, Quex-Ul, to a long term in the Phantom Zone! Now I must release him ... his sentence expires today!"
Quel-Ul, just out of the Phantom Zone: "Superman, you're a fool to have freed me! I'm going to destroy you forever with an Amazing Secret Weapon -- Gold Kryptonite!"
Perry White: "Great Caesar's Ghost! Now there will be two Supermen on Earth -- One Good, the other evil!"
Superman, Phantom Zone, Gold, Kryptonite, freed, criminal, Perry White, 1962, Daily Planet, 1960's, DC, Super-Revenge
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis