Superman Comics Magazine
Lois Lane, The Super-maiden of Earth
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An Imaginary Novel: Lois Lane's Flight from Earth!
Lois Lane becomes Supermaid, The Superwoman of Krypton!
Cover artwork by Curt Swan and George Klein!
Supermaid Lois Lane: "Don't panic, people of Krypton! I can take care of this falling building with the super-powers my father gave me on Earth, before he sent me here!" (to Krypton)
Jor-El, the real Superman's father: "Kal-el, my son, don't be jealous of of Supermaid! If Krypton had exploded and I sent you to Earth, you would be Superman there!"
Superman, Lois Lane, 1960's, Supermaid, imaginary, 1963, DC comics,
female, Superwoman, Jor-El, Earth, exploded, Krypton
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis