World's Finest - The Origin of The Composite Superman
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Cover Price 12ยข
Robin, Batman and Superman in Comics of the 1960s
Cover Curt Swan and George Klein
A Superman story, Flame Dragon From Krypton, included
The Composite Superman to Batman, Robin and the real Superman: "Batman and Superman! My Telepathic powers reveal you're secretely Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent! Let me join you as a third partner, or I'll expost you both!"
The real Superman: "Great Krypton! He Also has the powers of the Invisible Kid, Lighting Lad and Chameleon Boy! He's a one-man Legion!"
The Composite Superman has more than 20 super-powers! Invulnerability, invisibility, mind reading, lighting bolds, computer mind, magnetism, elasticity, master of elements, chameleon powers, super-strength, anti-gravity, flying disguise and x-ray vision! And, MORE!
World Finest, composite, Superman, Batman, Robin, 1960s, Silver age, DC,
one-man, Legion,
1964, Krypon, powers
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