Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos On to Okinawa
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Cover Price 12ยข
The cover implores: C'mon you goldbricks! Don't Just Stand there! Join Fury's Howlers for the battle of you life
Tales of World War II
Cover by Jack Kirby and by Dick Ayers
C'mon, you goldbricks! Don't just stand there! Join Fury's Howlers for the Battle of you life!
Commandos on the cover art: "You guys just made your biggest mistake! You go us Howlers mad!" and "What in blue blazes are we donin' in the middle of the Pacific?" Answer?: "Fighti'!! What else"?!!
Sgt Fury, Howling Commandos, Sargent, 1960, WW II comics, 1964, war, military,
Okinawa, Marvel, Pacific, battles, goldbricks
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis