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Featuring When Supergirl Replaced Jimmy Olsen featured in
Jimmy Olsen comics. Jimmy looses his job!

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Jimmy Olsen 75 March 1964

Cover Price  12ยข

Linda Danvers reporter, replaced Jimmy Olsen reporter!

Cover work by Curt Swan and George Klein.

Jimmy Olsen, with images of Superman rescuing Linda Davers in his mind, thinking: "Linda looks sweet, but she swiped my job on the Planet! Next, I'll bet she steals my best friend, Superman!"

Linda Davers, with images of Supergirl rescuing Jimmy Olsen in her mind, thinking: "Poor Jimmy! I don't dare tell him why I got him fired! But I'll make it up to him in my secret identity as Supergirl!"

Jimmy Olsen, Supergirl, replaced, reporter, Daily Planet, best, friend, swiped, 1960s, job, 1964, DC Comics, Danvers, Silver Age

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis