Jimmy Olsen as Elastic Lad in Jimmy's Legion Romances! Jimmy gets pulled
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Saturn Girl, Light Lass, and Triplicate Girl all grab at Jimmy on the cover at the Super-Hero Clubhouse
Cover work by Curt Swan and George Klein.
Superman flying over the Super-hero clubhouse: "Come on, Jimmy ... I have ajob for Elastic Lad back in the 20th Centruy!"
Jimmy Olsen as Elastic Lad: "Stop S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G me, Superman! I promised these Legionnaire Beauties I'd stay here in the future with them!"
Saturn Girl: "Jimmy's mine girls!" Light Lass: "No, he's my boyfired!" Triplicate Girl: "I love every yard of him!"
Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Elastic Lad, Saturn Girl, 1964, Comics, magazine,
1960s, hero clubhouse, 1970s, DC Comics
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis