Jimmy Olsen in The Colossus of Metropolis, he's gone berserk
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A giant, super-size Jimmy Olsen over the elevated highway in Metropolis
Cover work by Curt Swan and George Klein.
The giant Jimmy Olsen, standing over an elevated highway in Metropolis: "Lucy, you've kept me dangling on a string for years! No it's my turn! Ha! Ha! I could give you the brush-off with a mere twitch of my finger!"
Lucy Lane, dangling on a finger tip: "EEEKK! Superman, save me!"
Superman, thinking, flying toward them: "Great Krypton! Somehome Jimmy has acquired Colossal Boy's power! He's gone berserk!"
Jimmy Olsen, Superman, 1964. Metropolis, highway,
1960s, Colosuss, DC Comics
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis