The Lois Lane Phantom featured in Lois Lane Comics
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Special! Lois Lane, Slave Girl
Lana Lang is Lying. She has projected Lois Lane into the PHANTOM ZONE and is trapped there forever! Why can't Superman hear or see Lois. Superman has not seen Lois for days. Lana Lang says Lois went away on vacation.
Cover by Curt Swan and by George Klein
Superman, talking to Lana Lang on a park bench: "Lana! Where's Lois Lane? I haven't seen her for days!"
Lana Lang: "Oh, er ... She's gone away on a vacation ... Said she wanted to meet some interesting men!"
Lois Lane, in the Phantom Zone: "Superman .. Lana Lang is lying! She's projected me into the Phantom Zone ... and I'm trapped here forever! Oh, why can't you hear or see me?"
Lois Lane, park, bench, Lana Lang, PHANTOM Zone, Slave, Superman, 1962. reporter, adventurer, supporter,
Phantom, Silver Age, classic, 1960s, DC
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis