Imaginary Tale in Lois Lane Comics- The Wife of Superman's Foe -
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Mrs. Lois Luthor, nee Lane
Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger
Lois Lane, lighting a pipe for Lex Luthor, her husband: "Lex, dear, our son Larry is thrilled with that anti-gravity toy you invented for him! I'm so happy I married you instead of Superman!"
Superman, thinking, and peering through their living room window: "I've lost Lois forever! Now that Lex Luthor has reformed and gone straight, he's become an ideal husband. Hmm ... Maybe I'd better marry Lana Lang before she finds someone else
Wife, Superman, Lois Lane, reporter, adventurer, imaginary, Lex
Luther, foe, victim, scheming, 1962, Silver Age, classic, 1960s, DC
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis