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The Fate of the Future Superman is in Superboy comics


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Superboy comics 120 April 1965

Cover Price 12ยข

See the Crimes of Superman when he was a teen, Superboy

Superboy, thinking: "Good Grief! I'm destined to be the ancestor of the World's Greatest Criminal! How can I ever live it down?!

Accuser from Krypton: "Yes, Superboy ... This wax replica shows the fate of your 35th-century, descendant, Superman the 30th, who was executed in a Krytonite Cage for his black crimes!"

The wax figure in the cage labled: The Crimes of Superman, destined to be the World's Worst Criminal. Destroying inhabited planet, Hurling Meteor into city, Sinking Floating Lab, Smashing Space-Liner

Superboy, Superman, Future, Super-Hero, crimes, fate, 1960s, accuser, Krypton, 1965, DC, worst, criminal, replica, wax

Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis