Superboy Comics - featuring Superboy's Father in Jo-El's Visit to Earth
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The Stolen Super-Identity! Jor-el as a young boy, not Superboy's Father
Cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein
Jor-el's Time Machine has sent him to future Earth rather than Krypton of the past.
Jor-El, Superboy's Father, thinking: "What happened? ... My time-ship should have sent me into Krypton's past ... but instead, It's projected me into Earth's Future ... Where I have Super-powers?"
Superboy: "It's my father, Jor-El, when he was a boy! How can I tell him his world is doomed?!"
Superboy, Jor-el, Silver Age, Future, 1960s, project,
time-ship, Krypton, 1965, DC
comics, doomed
Digitally Scanned in 2020 by Dennis