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Walt Disney Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck - A Gold Key Giant - including a reprint of Donald Duck and the Mummy's Ring

First Issue, the only issue of the Giant title

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Walt Disney Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck 1 June 1965

Cover Price 25ยข

Uncle Scrooge McDuck was penny wise.  Also featuring Huey, Dewy and Louie.

Donald Duck rows the Penny Wise Rowboat as Uncle Scrooge adds it up - the coin lake is at 20 depth feet, Huey Dewy and Louie fish for cash from a dock.

Uncle Scrooge, Scrooge McDuck, Giant, Donald Duck, Gold Key, 1965, Wald Disney Comics, 1960's, reprints, mummy, FIRST ISSUE, Giant

All covers are Digitized in 2020 by Dennis