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 Alter Ego, The Premier Early Fanzine in the Golden Age of Fandom!

Founded in 1962!

Alter Ego Fanzine from the 1960s 7 images and 5 Issues

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Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964 2 of 3 Alter Ego 7 Fall 1964 Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964 3 of 3 copies Alter Ego Issue 5 Winter 1963
Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964
copy 2 of 3 copies
Alter Ego 7 Fall 1964 Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964
copy 3 of 3 copies
Alter Ego 5 Winter 1963
Alter Ego 6 Alter Ego 4 Fall 1962 Alter Ego 8 Winter 1965  
Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964
copy 1 of 3 copies
Alter Ego 4 Fall 1962 Alter Ego 8 Winter 1965  

The Comic Fanzine Alter Ego was known for it's qualify and literary standards too

I have the good fortune of have collected 3 copies of issue 6 50 years ago.  I have not a clue why!

Alter Ego 4 Fall 1962
Alter Ego 5 Winter 1963
Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964 copy 3 of 3
Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964 copy 2 of 3
Alter Ego 6 Winter 1964  1 of 3
Alter Ego 7 Fall 1964
Alter Ego 8 Winter 1965

Alter Ego was the darling of all the other Fanzines.  It set the standard for which all other Fanzine publishers aspired.

Edited by Roy Thomas and Jerry Bails. Fans and Fanzine producers that would become big names in the Comic Book Industry in the following decades

Alter Ego, premier, early, fanzine, copies, Rooy Thomas, Jerry Bails, duplicate,

All are Digitized in 2020